Wine Gadgets

Don shows off Vidler's unique wine accessories, impressing special guest star, Kevin LoVullo, wine enthusiast and host of the "Spiel the Wine" TV show on WGRZ-TV.

About This Product

In this episode, Kevin LoVullo from WGRZ’s Spiel the Wine helped us review our awesome wine accessories at Vidler’s. On the more eccentric side of wine-related products, we offer a rhinestone-encrusted stiletto wine caddy for those who like their wine with a little flair. If you’re more of a rugged wine connoisseur, you can proudly display your wine in a Bullwinkle moose wine caddy.

Other wine aesthetics include bottle ties and a cork cage to show all your friends how much wine you drink.

If you want to chill your wine and look cool doing it, we suggest the corksicle, an icicle-shaped wine chiller you freeze and insert into your bottle of wine while simultaneously corking it. If that seems too dramatic, you can always count on our wine coozies to keep your wine cool. Finally, we have a wine aerator that helps bring out the bold flavors of your favorite red wine.

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